Late blog
Hi everyone! Today the blog that was promised. I wasn’t feeling well this week, so I published the new pattern a day earlier when I felt things going down, but without the accompanying blog. Some of you are already finished with the new pattern! But here is the blog. I’m doing fine again by the way! Thank you very much for all you kind wishes!
The butterflies
It was nice to see that you also liked the butterflies so much. There even was a person that used this pattern and the suns to make a very cute doll blanket. Really fun to see the technique is picked up so well, and that it is used for other applications! It really feels to me like ‘mission accomplished’.
Premiere, my first paid patterns: the christmas table runners

What also was a special moment for me, was the launch of my first paid patterns. Actually 2 at the same time, and that all because of you! 🙂
I saw some people using the HAL CAL in a smaller version as a table runner, and I thought then that it would probably be fun to have a table runner with christmas motifs. That had to be made super quickly, because, before you know it, it is christmas, and it would be nice to have it on the table in time. Okay, it will be christmas next year again, but I thought it would be fun to do when still in the ‘interwoven crochet mood’.
You can look on the page here for more info and pictures, and for the discount:
Teasing with the secret christmas present
You didn’t know of course that I was working on something extra, because I kept it a secret for a while. I found that there could be made something with the leftover yarns. I announced it as a search on the website, because I secretly added it to the release schedule, and you found it quite quickly 🙂 . So there will be an extra week after finishing the blanket. What it will be is a secret again of course 🙂 , but there is a hint about the pattern (for the Dutch this is a familiar old song).
This time the towers
Okay, enough chitchat. For those who didn’t see it yet, this week the towers are released. I thought about towers because of the series Frasier. Google on ‘music of frasier series’ and look at the pictures you will get as a result. That was my association with it, but I can imagine you see something totally different in it. I also needed something to get you guessing, and it turned out it was not that weird, because someone guessed it right! I surely didn’t expect that 🙂 .
<Edit January 16 2019: The pattern is no longer available for free. You can buy it from my Ravelry shop ( You can find the bonusweek pattern there also. The pictures for each part (see examples on this page here) are also available from this store: >
Well, I’m wishing you lots of fun again with this new part when you haven’t started yet: the towers with antennas <removed>
And the next week the finale!!!