Start of the Hooked and Locked CAL

Today is the day! We will start! Months of preparing, trying things out, designing, drawing and crocheting, thinking of how to setup the video’s, how I wanted to do the tutorials for the website pages, making pictures, writing pattern descriptions, today is the release of all that work. Not that I’m finished, because we still have a couple of weeks to go, but it was all such big fun to do. Yes, I am slightly nervous, because the interest is overwhelming, and so many people are looking forward to do this, that I still feel perplexed. But I’m walking around with a big smile 🙂 .

Before we start I just wanted to share one little thing: consider this to be a course! It’s not just some video’s and tutorials that only show you how to crochet this, it is also a course that learns you how to read the pattern charts. And I also tried to make it so, that people with just a little crochet experience, can do this too. To me that is very important: to teach someone in a good way. My most important motivation!

I’m wishing you a lot of success with this CAL!

Click here for the overview page

Click here for the start of the practice piece

Or see the menu.


  1. I am looking forward to doing this HAL, as I am wanting to learn to read a pattern properly with the help of a graph. I’m nervous, but since we have time between before the next lesson, I’m thinking positive I can do this.

    1. Author

      Hi Judy! Don’t be nervous, with the help of the video’s and the website you can manage this! And if you join the facebook group, you can also get help from others! Let me know when you’ve started!

  2. Hi from Canada! Could you please tell me how many rows there will be. It will help me figure out how many skeins of contrasting yarn I need. I managed to understand the videos evrn if I don’t understand Dutch and start the CAL. It is very nice. I hope mine will look as good as yours. Thank you!

    1. Author

      Hi Marie! The total number of rows are 160 of color 1 and 159 of color b. You can watch these video’s in English. See the HAL CAL menu for all parts. There you will find the links to The Craftsteacher YouTube channel.

  3. Is there a pattern for the scarf shown on facebook. I think I would like to start there.

    1. Author

      I have several scarfs on my page, so look on it here on the website. They are all here for free. On facebook I provided the links also.

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