Start of a series about filet crochet with a large mesh

Today is the day! The series of video’s about doing filet crochet with a mesh with large squares will be published these next days, starting today with how to crochet the base. In this series there will also be video’s how to do decreases, as well as straight up as slanted, in 2 different ways. The written tutorial is already finished entirely, so you can find that already by clicking here, but the accompanying video’s will be released these next days.

I realized I totally forgot to think about doing increases, and that’s because I didn’t need that for the vest I was making. Ehm, yes, well…. maybe in the future? I really should put that on my  TODO-list 🙂 . Because there are a couple of things I will do first. 

But for today: the first video! Wishing you a lot of fun with this series! 

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