Slanted decrease of 1 hole over 1 row: next video in a series about filet crochet with a large mesh

Sorry guys! And girls 🙂  I planned to publish this last Saturday, but this Craftsteacher is also a mum of 2 lovely daughters, and my eldest needed some help, and well, in that case the rest of the world just has to wait. And, although I’m not very superconsistent with it, I do try to keep the Sunday as a day of rest. For me this means going to church in the morning, listening to interesting speakers and singing for my God, and then the rest of the day for other activities.  Not that I’m not working on my crafts, that really is something that is in my genes and I love to do that so much, that continues when I’m at home. By I do try to keep my social media engagement low, even though I like that too. I noticed that gives some extra rest. Not being there for the rest of the world for a day 🙂 .

So today I released the 3rd video in the series of filet crochet with a large mesh. This time about how to do a slanted decrease of 1 hole of the mesh over 1 row. I needed that for the armholes of my vest. I wanted to crochet this in a slanted way right away, and not first do kind of a ‘steps of a stair’ way with decreases that went straight up, and making that go slanted afterwards. I told in one of my previous posts that I really could not find it anywhere on the internet: searched, searched and searched, didn’t find it. Yes, for regular filet crochet, but not for large meshes. So I figured it out myself 🙂 .

After this there will be one more video about a slanted decrease of 1 hole of the mesh distributed over 2 rows. I don’t know yet if I can manage to publish that tomorrow. And Wednesday we have the annual Weversmarkt (weavers market) in Hoorn (The Netherlands), and guess who’s going there 🙂 . So if I cannot do it tomorrow, it will be later this week. And of course you can also check out the tutorial page where everything is already: click here to go there. In case you really can’t wait 🙂 .

But for today: the 3rd video.  Wishing you a lot of fun again!


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