Knotting: a little bag with a block design. The sixth video is published!

2 More video’s to go! This short video shows how to close the ‘circle’, so that you can continue to work in the round after this. The 2 sides are brought together, so that the borders can be closed and knotted. I show that the threads on both sides first have to be knotted together to make the knot of the first row, please do not forget that! And I show again why it is important to first do some knotting on both sides before bringing it together and close the circle.
Again, wishing you a lot of fun watching this video! After this there will be a video of how to knot the purple straight line below the purple zigzag border (see the pictures!) , and why I made that switch in my design, and a final video about finishing. So, till then!

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