Grande finale: the last part of the Hooked and Locked CAL

What an adventure!

Oh my, what an adventure this has been! I really did not expect this to become such a huge success. I am still happy with that every single day! Really! Of course I hoped it would be picked up when I was thinking about doing a CAL about the interwoven or locking crochet technique, but that it would become such a success, and that I would get so much positive response, I absolutely didn’t expect that to happen.

Start of the Dutch group
Start of the Dutch group

Message of this post: ‘Wow! This makes me blush! I’ts 14:35 pm and I already have 56 members. I really didn’t expect that. Thank you for your trust! I’m busy myself today with crocheting the next design 🙂 . ‘

When I look at the start of the Dutch group, on September 2nd, I see this message. After just a couple of hours the counter was already on 56 members. How happy I was with that! These first couple of days I kept walking around with a  big smile 🙂 . The English group started up more slowly, but in the end that group catched up also and even surpassed the number of members of the Dutch group.

Today I’m at almost 5000 (!!!!!) members in total on facebook. And it still brings a big smile on my face, I am so happy with that! And grateful also!

It’s not only the facebook-groups that grew explosively. Both my YouTube-channels have reached over 1000 subscribers, and my Dutch channel even reached 1200 subscribers today! A growth of more than 1800 subscribers in 3.5 months! This mum did become a real YouTuber 😀 😀 😀

And what did I enjoy this

Of course of all the comments, like I said above. But also your color combinations, and how you adapted the pattern. That definitely inspired me also! But I enjoyed so much doing this. First figuring out how I could make my own designs, the making of the designs, the crocheting, the making of the video’s, the website tutorials. Yes, if definitely was a lot of work, but I did it with so much joy. So I really enjoyed doing this, and I will definitely continue with it! But you will see all that 🙂 .

My thanks

Thank you so very much!

We definitely do not say goodbye, as far as I’m concerned, because there is still so much that I want to share with you, but I do want to show my appreciation already to you all! Thank you all so very very very much for your kind words! And thank you for the support you’ve shown to eachother. I read a couple of times that members wanted to throw the towel into the ring, because the setup was a bit hard to do. And how did you encourage people to hold on and try again and again, until the quarter would drop. Really wonderful! 

My special thanks go to 2 persons in particular, that helped me get started on Facebook by promoting me on their page and group: in the Netherlands this is De Wolman (1000 maal dank Jacob!), and in the US this is Lissa Conley (a 1000 thanks to you, Lissa!). Of course also a lot of thanks to the ones that shared my blanket on other groups, which made other people enthusiastic also! Sometimes I got so many member requests, that I could only explain it because someone probably shared it elsewhere. Super, people!

And this is not the end!

First of all we have a bonus week! Next week I still have something for you, something you can do with your leftover yarn, or maybe as a new little project. This will also still be free, so that’s kind of a chrismas present from me.

And of course the groups will stay  open. First of all not everyone is finished yet, and there are still joining new members daily. Also when the CAL has become a paid pattern, the group will stay open. I hope that the ones that are finished with the blanket will continue to help and encourage the new members.

The last part of the blanket, with a video

The last part of the blanket consists of 3 parts. The last pattern with the ‘apples’, the upper border, and a surrounding border of single crochets around the entire blanket. The pattern is just 1 pdf, the website-pages are split up in 2 parts. I also made a video about how to do the single crochet border, so you can watch that also.


<Edit January 16 2019: The pattern is no longer available for free. You can buy it from my Ravelry shop ( You can find the bonusweek pattern there also. The pictures for each row (see examples on this page here) are also available from this store: >

So here is the link again to the pattern page <removed>, and below is the link to the video. I’m wishing you a lot of fun again with this!


Would you like to donate? Look at the side of this page (on pc) or below (on tablet or mobile).


  1. Oh Craftsteacher, I cannot believe this is the last part. This has been such a fun project. It is fun to read how the journey was for you. You are famous now 🙂
    Thank you for all the work you have put into this. Thank you for sharing your talent. It is greatly, greatly appreciated.

    1. Author

      Thank you Tanya for your kind words! Don’t forget there is still the bonusweek! And more to come in the future! See you back then!

    2. Author

      And yes, it’s hard to now get into the streets with all these people coming to ask me for my autograph 🙂 🙂 :-). (Okay, just kidding 🙂 )

  2. This cal has been absolutely awesome. I’ve never done interwoven crochet before and I must admit that after doing this Hal cal I am hooked! Thank u so much for this pattern and all the hard work you have put into it. Thank you for a wonderful few weeks, I’m going to be lost on Thursdsays when the cal is done.

    1. Author

      Thank you Monique for your kind words! There still is a bonusweek, so I hope you will enjoy that too! And there will be more in the future. See you then 🙂 !

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