You probably know them, the books with crochet stitches. Nice stitches that you can then use in your own project, or as a replacement for stitches in another pattern. On these pages I give you an overview of the stitches with the link to the page where you can see the explanation of the stitch, download the pattern drawing and watch the accompanying video.

This page will be gradually expanded with more stitches, I started this in February 2025, so come back regularly to see if there are any new additions!

Don’t want to miss anything? Then subscribe to my YouTube channel! If you turn on the bell (the version where you can indicate that you want to receive a message for all new videos), YouTube will give you a message, so you don’t have to keep an eye on it yourself.

Crochet course for beginners (and advanced 🙂 )

I also have a course on how to make the basic stitches and other tips and tricks, which are suitable for those who are new to crochet, but also provide tips for experienced crocheters!

The stitch library

Pattern 1: single crochet

Pattern 2: Double crochet

There will be a lot more soon! Just starting, so please come back frequently to check!