What’s been happening Hi you all!!!! It maybe looks like there isn’t happening very much, but I’ve been working on some crochet and knitting projects, related to a yarn review. I had reasons to put part of it out on my Dutch channel with some priority, because I wanted to support my favorite yarn supplier (De Wolman). So that took some time that I couldn’t spend with you here. If you’re curious, you can go to my Dutch website (www.dehandwerkjuf.nl) or see the instructions for the crochet shawl I designed here. I didn’t translate it there yet, and it will be here on this websiteRead More →

I’ve promised a couple of times that it would come, and here it is! The video on how to weave a triangle! You may have already seen the tutorial I did about it on this website (see here). It is so easy to do. And it makes it possible to do so much more projects! I love triangular shawls, and you can do that by making squares together with triangular parts. You could even do just triangular shapes, and piece them together, just like you only had a small tri-loom! That could really give a fun effect! So, give that a try also. So, hereRead More →

You have these days, that you want to do something really nice. Because the christmas tree and all the other christmas decorations are gone, so the living room just looks so… you know, so… normal…. The weather is bad, it’s raining, it’s cold, no sunshine… So, time to compensate  🙂 . Why not take a look at your yarn stash, that always makes me very happy 🙂 , and find that beautiful yarn you once bought, and didn’t know what to do with.  Well, I have a great idea here! Make a nice warm shawl, to cuddle up with, to wear when you really haveRead More →

I promised I would publish this video soon, so here it is. Part 2 of working with finer yarns, going into detail on doing a crochet border. Of course you could decide to just take the weave of the loom without a crochet border, but if you decide to do one, here are 2 tricks to help you do that. You now have 2 threads around each nail, so you have to handle that in a certain way. It also depends on which side you’re working, so I show you how to deal with both situations. Wishing you again fun watching this!Read More →

A very happy New Year! Wow! That’s been a while since I posted here! A bit of vacation, Christmas time, and New Years Eve, they have all been kind of ‘in the way’. Time for family, friends, and a bit of rest. A good time! I’m wishing you all a very very happy new year, with lots of health! May it be a blessed one! New subjects for the coming period But……, I have not been sitting still! I’ve been preparing on new video’s. Trying to figure out the best way to do crochet borders. Yes, I know, I already have a video on thatRead More →

Help! I made a mistake! Is there a way to fix this? And then you will get to that moment that you have done your weaving, and you’ve maybe even added a crochet border, and you look at it, and you are like: “Oh noooo!!! Something has gone wrong!”. Well, in this video I show that all is not lost, and that you can easily fix weaving errors. All you have to do, is cut out the row where the error is, and needle weave in a new strand of yarn! When you have done a crochet border, like in the video, you just haveRead More →

Hi everyone from a Winter Wonderland. It is snowing here! Very very early this year, to my opinion. Time to make warm shawls. Or wraps to keep us warm and feel comfortable. Weaving squares and triangles (see here) on a pin loom can be used to make these. I don’t have worked out patterns for these here on this website, but you can probably find enough examples on the internet to inspire you! For now: a new video, about finishing edges with a crochet border. It’s optional, because you can decide not to use crochet borders, and just sew blocks together. But a crochet borderRead More →

Maybe you wonder: what is a timelapse video??? And why??? Repeating the content of the previous video’s Well, in my previous video’s I already showed quite elaborately how to weave with a continuous strand of yarn on a pin loom. So it’s maybe a bit useless to repeat that all over again. But I used  yarn for these instruction video’s, that actually was too thin for weaving on this loom. On the other hand, you could see everthing quite clearly, and that is what I found the most important. This time, however, I wanted to show how it goes ‘for real’, when you work withRead More →

The last video with the basic steps about weaving on the bias on a pin loom is published! So, now you can, if you’ve waited for it, finish your weaving. In this video I also give attention to how to check if you didn’t skip nails, or maybe even put two threads over a nail. You can always correct that as long as the weave is on the loom. In one of the next video’s I will show how to finish the edges with a crochet border, but you can also just take it off just like it is. I will also later pay attentionRead More →