A triangular shawl in filet crochet: the basis

It is very fashionable at the moment: filet crochet. Why that happens is always something I wonder about, what exactly is that trigger that makes people embrace it all of the sudden?  It looks like someone starts with it, and other people suddenly think: ‘Oh, but that was fun too, let me do that again’. I really like it when a technique, that seems to be ‘forgotten’ for a while, gets back into the spotlight. I did a lot of filet crochet back in the days, especially large pieces with beautiful motifs. In the pre-internet times, when we just bought a Burda-magazine in the store 🙂 . Who does remember them, the beautiful peacock, the set with the 4 Greek ladies? Where they are, I really don’t know…. I went through a period that I was kind of finished with crochet and knitting, I only did patchwork and quilting for a while. And I got rid of a lot of stuff these days…. I thought it wouldn’t come back for me. Well, could I be more wrong 🙂 🙂 🙂 .

Okay, that was looking back for a moment. But I’m back to it too. The fire got started again by the CAL Nostalgia of the ladies of Haakplein, that are making a beautiful bedspread at this moment. Oh, I was so in doubt if I would join or not, but my own design activities screamed for more attentiont (I try to forget al these projects that still need to be finished, hush hush  😀  😀  😀 ).

I made this shawl, and I made a video and a tutorial (see here) about it, and that will not be all. This shawl is made with the filet crochet technique, bu as you can see it is still quite ’empty’. And that is because I will use it for further embellishment, but I will show that in a next series of video’s. I won’t give away what I will do now (oops, didn’t I mention that in the video??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 ). What’s a little bit different than what I found on the internet so far, are the slanted sides. I had to make increases, and I wanted to do that with triangular spaces on the sides. Not to be found…., at least I couldn’t find it at all. Lots of tutorials about adding whole squares, so you get kind of a ‘stair’ on the sides, but slanted sides? Well, I thought I could figure it out myself. And I was not disappointed at all. For me an extra reason to make instructions how to do that. So I hope you will use this and have fun with it. You can leave the shawl as is, crochet a motif in it with filled spaces, embellish it with other attributes you made, and …………. <mystery> 🙂 .

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