Crochet symbols and abbreviations

Almost every crochet stitch is represented by a crochet symbol. And in written descriptions of patterns most of the time abbreviations are used to be able to crochet and read the pattern quickly. Below you will find an overview of the most commonly used symbols and abbreviations.

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Abbreviation USDescriptionSymbolUK terminology
BL or BLOback loop or back loop only
(combine with the original symbol at the bottom)
3-hdc cluster/puff st/bobble
BPback post (combine with the original symbol at the bottom)
BPdc back post double crochet
BPdtrback post double treble crochet
BPhdc back post half double crochet
BPsc back post single crochet
BPtrback post treble crochet
CC contrasting color
chchain stitch
ch-spchain space
CL-dc3togCluster of dc3tog
dcdouble crochet= treble (tr)
dc2tog double crochet 2 stitches together
Dc3togdouble crochet 3 stitches together
dec decrease
dtrdouble treble crochet = triple treble (trtr)
e…extended (combine with the original symbol at the bottom)
edcextended double crochet
ehdcextended half double crochet
esc extended single crochet
etrextended treble crochet
FL or FLOfront loop or front loop only (combine with the original symbol at the bottom)
FP front post (combine with the original symbol at the bottom)
FPdcfront post double crochet
FPdtrfront post double treble crochet
FPhdc front post half double crochet
FPscfront post single crochet
FPtrfront post treble crochet
hdc half double crochet= half treble (htr)
hdc2toghalf double crochet 2 stitches together
inc increase
m marker
MCmain color(sometimes used for *Magic Circle)
*MLMagic Loop
pat or pattpattern
pc popcorn stitch
Popcorn of 5 dc
Picot (ch3 picot)
pm place marker
ps or puffpuff stitch (also see bobble)
RSright side
sc single crochet = double crochet (dc)
sc2togsingle crochet 2 stitches together
Sc3tog single crochet 3 stitches together
Shell of 5 dc
sl stslip stitch slip stitch (ss)
sm or sl m slip marker
sp space
st stitch
tblthrough back loop
tch or t-ch turning chain
tr treble crochet double treble (dtr)
tr2tog treble crochet 2 stitches together
trtr triple treble crochet
WS wrong side
yo yarn over yarn over hook (yoh)
yoh yarn over hook
*yu yarn under yarn under hook (yuh)
*yuh yarn under hook